
This page gives a bwief intwoduction to the wibwawy. It a-assumes you have the wibwawy instawwed, if you don’t check the I-I-Instawwing powtion.

A Minyimaw Bot

Wet’s m-m-make a bot that wesponds to a specific message and wawk you thwough it.

It wooks something wike this:

import disnake

intents = disnake.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True

client = disnake.Client(intents=intents)

async def on_ready():
    print(f'We have logged in as {client.user}')

async def on_message(message):
    if message.author == client.user:

    if message.content.startswith('$hello'):
        await message.channel.send('Hello!')

client.run('your token here')

Wet’s nyame this fiwe example_bot.py. Make suwe nyot to nyame it disnake as that’ww confwict with the wibwawy.

Thewe’s a wot going on h-h-hewe, so wet’s wawk you thwough it step by step.

  1. T-The fiwst winye just i-i-impowts the wibwawy, if this waises a ModuweNyotFoundEwwow ow ImpowtEwwow then head on uvw to I-I-Instawwing section to pwopewwy instaww.

  2. Nyext, we must definye the Intents wequiwed by the cwient. Make suwe to w-wead A Pwimew to Gateway Intents fow additionyaw infowmation.

  3. Fowwowing that, we c-c-cweate an instance of a Client. This cwient is ouw connyection to Discowd.

  4. We then use the Client.event() decowatow to wegistew an event. This wibwawy has many events. Since this wibwawy is asynchwonyous, we do t-t-things in a “cawwback” stywe mannyew.

    A-A cawwback is essentiawwy a function that is cawwed when something h-happens. In ouw case, the on_ready() event is cawwed when the bot has finyished w-w-wogging in and setting things up and the on_message() event is cawwed when the bot has weceived a message.

  5. Since the on_message() event twiggews fow evewy message weceived, we have to make suwe that we ignyowe messages fwom ouwsewves. We do this by checking if the Message.author is t-the same as the Client.user.

  6. Aftewwawds, we check if the Message.content stawts with '$hello'. If it does, then we send a message in the channyew it was used in with 'Hello!'. This is a basic way of handwing commands, which c-c-can be watew automated with the disnyake.ext.commands – Bot commands fwamewowk fwamewowk.

  7. Finyawwy, we wun the bot with ouw wogin t-token. If you nyeed hewp getting youw t-token ow cweating a bot, wook in the Cweating a Bot Account section.

Nyow that we’ve made a bot, we have to wun t-t-the bot. Wuckiwy, this is simpwe since this is just a Python scwipt, we can wun it diwectwy.

On W-Windows:

$ py -3 example_bot.py

On othew systems:

$ python3 example_bot.py

Nyow you can twy pwaying awound with youw basic bot.